1. Intro

SAS.Planet is a popular in offshore sailing community free and opensource program to prepare free raster charts for OpenCPN from GoogleEarth and others satellite images. More on the subject:

2. Install SASPlanet on Raspberry Pi Bookworm arm64

SASPlanet is 32-bit Windows application. So we need to install box86 to emulate 32-bit Intel processor, and we would need to install wine86 to emulate Windows. box86 being 32-bit would need armhf (32-bit) runtime libraries.

3. Step 1. Wine/Box86

Perform all steps to install wine and box86 from this Guide (if you haven’t installed it previously): https://bareboat-necessities.github.io/my-bareboat/airmail-install-bookworm.html

4. Step 2. Download and install SAS.Planet

cd ~
wget https://bitbucket.org/sas_team/sas.planet.bin/downloads/SAS.Planet.Release.220707.zip
wget -O sas-planet-patch.zip 'https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1xapw4gVa8d2rugKfq15yyGuY6gAfsR4L'
mkdir SASPlanet-2022/
cd SASPlanet-2022/
unzip ../SAS.Planet.Release.220707.zip
cd Maps
unzip -u ../../sas-planet-patch.zip
cd ../..
rm -rf SAS.Planet.Release.220707.zip sas-planet-patch.zip

5. Step 3. Create desktop shortcut

sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF > /usr/local/share/applications/sasplanet.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=SASPlanet GIS
Exec=bash -c "cd ~/SASPlanet-2022/; wine SASPlanet.exe"

6. Step 4. Run SAS.Planet

cd ~/SASPlanet-2022/
wine SASPlanet.exe