Free touchscreen-friendly open source Linux operating system for boats by Bareboat Necessities. Build your own low power consuming chartplotter or autopilot with it. Show other vessels from AIS, set an anchor alarm, see tides and currents, download a weather forecast and overlay it on your chart, manage/automate your boat with HomeAssistant, display instruments, record trips, decode marine radio transmissions, and much more.
Boat alarms (bilge level, battery voltage) sent to your smartphone. Designed and developed as a free and open source project by Bareboat Necessities.
Rugged marine displays and instruments for navigation and monitoring on waterproof touchscreen M5Tough esp32 from M5Stack with free and open source software designed and developed by Bareboat Necessities.
NMEA XDR sensors: lightning strike detector, barometer, humidity, temperatures, illuminance, motion, tank liquid levels, voltage, current, power, water quality and more. Easy to put together DIY. Easy access for maintenance. Affordable and common components. Free and open source software designed and developed by Bareboat Necessities.
Low-cost converters for connecting boat NMEA N2K networks to computers via USB with free and open source firmware.
Free and open BBN Marine OS customized for low-cost M5Stack CoreMP135 computer featuring pre-configured NMEA N2K and 0183 interfaces with software image by Bareboat Necessities.
NMEA XDR boat heave sensor using advanced Kalman filtering of IMU data designed and developed as a free and open source project by Bareboat Necessities.
Simple low-cost DIY i2c over USB adapter. Connect your i2c sensors to Linux on Intel via USB without need to install additional drivers.
Simple low-cost DIY solar panel/wind generator posts for a boat from commonly available parts.